What We Do
Risks and opportunities in the wholesale power markets are notoriously challenging to manage. This is where Solea Energy shines. For more than a decade, Solea traders have mastered continually changing grid conditions and multi-dimensional, highly granular, and difficult-to-predict drivers of congestion, turning their insights into profitable trading investments.
Three ways Solea is shaping the future of congestion trading:
Solea's traders develop proprietary algorithmic, programmatic and AI tools for identifying opportunities, generating optimal trades, applying risk measures and executing trades.
Solea's proprietary system collects, organizes, and interprets power generation, transmission, load, and weather data in all U.S. markets we trade.
The digital platform enables front, middle, and back-office capabilities to support power trading operations, such as:
- Trading research, analysis, and automation
- Integration to all US-based Independent System Operators (ISOs)
- Trade submission tools
- Dashboard for real-time profit and loss tracking
- Risk analysis reporting and management tools
- Transactional level reporting and analysis tools
- Invoicing tracking and reporting
- Monitoring and alerting on regulatory compliance.
- Monitoring and managing credit in support of trading activities.
- The Solea team is comprised of more than 75 people worldwide. Solea’s leadership is distinguished by our collective decades of experience in power markets and congestion trading. We have offices in Texas and Kansas with a remote workforce based where each of us wants to live and work.
- Solea Energy is active in all ISO markets in the U.S. with plans to expand internationally.
- We actively comply with all regulations and requirements and strive to maintain the highest levels of ethical standards in our work.
- Solea approaches congestion trading from the viewpoint that besides being an intellectually challenging, rewarding and fun lifestyle, power trading serves an important role in ISO standard market design. By design, ISO markets encourage power trading in order to provide generation and load players the ability to manage their congestion exposure and to reinforce day-ahead vs. real-time price convergence. Our trading activities lead to increased market liquidity and lower market participant price uncertainty, leading to lower costs from more efficient day-ahead commitment and minimizing the spread between day-ahead and real-time prices. A more efficient day-ahead market lowers costs for everyone by improving grid operations and reducing transmission losses and unnecessary congestion.

If you are interested in partnership opportunities or want to join our team, take a minute to reach out to us below. We would love to chat.